Thursday, 20 November 2014

School Prospectus- Final Piece

Front Cover
For the final piece, I have made some changes that didn't follow my plan. I put the logo on the up left side corner as it is not noticeable if it was placed on the right. I didn't add much writing on the left side of the page as I think it was too crowded. For improvements, I could've have made the tag line 'Start Your Future Here' bigger in order to give more impact to the audience.

Content Page
The content page wasn't very successful as the front cover. The right side of the page is very empty. I could've have add more writing or added more pictures in order to fill up the page. Some texts are very hard to read therefore I could have change it into darker colour.
Overall, I am happy with the outcome considering that I have only started using Photoshop.


Sunday, 16 November 2014


Last week I took photos which I will be using for my preliminary task.
This slideshow will show you the different images I have taken for the school prospectus.

I also did a short animation video to explain my final choices.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Research and Planning the Preliminary Task

Research - School Prospectus

Research- Moodboard

Research -School Prospectus Mind Map

We were asked to create a front cover and a content page of a school prospectus for our preliminary task. Here is my planning where I have explained and justified my ideas and choices.
Front Cover

Content Page

Friday, 7 November 2014

My First Attempt

We were asked to create a front cover for 'Nature' magazine. I have chosen to use this picture as it contains lots of vibrant colours, making it stand out. This is my first attempt on using Photoshop therefore I had many difficulties using it. For improvements, I could have add more text to fill up the page so it does not look too empty.